Thursday, December 4, 2008
Burger King Nintendo Wii Toys 2008
Burger King is giving away 10 Burger King Nintendo Wii toys 2008 based on the Nintendo characters from the Wii games. The BK Nintendo toys are being released two at a time throughout late November and December 2008. Each of the Burger King Nintendo Wii toys come with their own magnetic Wii remote replica which can be used to interact with the toys.
The 10 toys included in this Burger King Ninendo Wii promotion are:
- Flip and Stick Donkey Kong - Donkey Kong flips through the air when remote is used
- Chain Chomp Launcher - Launch to knock down targets Wario and Bowser
- Light-Up Luma - Luma lights up when a button is pushed on the remote
- Metroid Challenge - Get ball through a maze
- Whirl 'n Twirl Princess Peach - Windup - twirls around on press of a button on the remote
- Mario to the Rescue - Get Mario to the Top
- Mario Kart Yoshi - Drives a Mario Kart as seen in Wii game. Goes in different directions when launched with Wii wheel
- Rumbling Tumbling Diddy Kong - Windup - tumbles when used with the Wii remote
- Float and Go Boo - Magnetic effect. Floats forward using Wii remote
- Galaxy Blast Mario - Propeller toy. Blasts off into the air when launched with Wii remote
10 Nintendo Wii Toys from Burger King. Get 'em while they are hot! You can still buy these on EBay.
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Monday, November 10, 2008
Simpsons Couch-a-Bunga at Burger King 2008
Burger King is giving away cool Burger King Simpsons Couch toys with every Burger King Kids Meal sold beginning 10 November 2008. The promotion, entitled Couch-a-Bunga, is part of a Burger King global campaign, launches at Burger King restaurants around the world simultaneously.
There are 6 BK toys each depicting a different Simpsons family member. Each toy snaps together to form a couch apart from the Santa's Little Helper toy which is a stand alone. The Simpsons family is sitting on the couch much like you see in the opening sequence of the TV show.
One of the cool things about this set is that depressing the buttons simultaneously can make all the toys move at once. Very cool.
The couch toys included in the Burger King Simpsons couch set are:
- Homer - raises arms
- Bart - playing with TV remote
- Marge - hair flips
- Lisa - playing saxaphone
- Maggie - pops up
- Santa's Little Helper - TV spins

The Burger King Simpsons Couch set of 6 toys look great on display. Link them altogether for maximum effect.
Make sure you don't miss this Burger King Simpson toys promotion. Couch-a bunga!
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Saturday, May 31, 2008
Burger King Indiana Jones Toys 2008
Burger King has released BK Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull kids meal toys in time for the release of the movie. Once again Burger King has given us a nice set featuring character and gadget toys as part of a tie-in deal with the new Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull movie.
The following 8 toys are included in the Burger King Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull set:
- Motor Wheels Mutt
- Indiana Jones Tomb Reveal
- Temple of Mystery
- Stunt Jump Mine Cart
- Boulder Escape Indiana Jones
- Indiana Jones Journal
- Indiana Jones Tricky Treasure
- Indiana Jones Hip Whip
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